Dr. Georg S. Voelker

Work experience

research associate (postdoc)
Feb 2018 - to date
Goethe University Frankfurt
Institute for Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences (IAU)
Theory of Atmospheric Dynamics and Climate

research associate (Ph.D.)
Nov 2013 - Mar 2017
Bremen University
Center for Marine Environmental Science (MARUM)
Institute for Environmental Physics (IUP), work group for physical oceanography


Dr. rer. nat. / Ph.D. in Physics
Nov 2013 - Mar 2017
Bremen University, Center for Marine Environmental Science (MARUM), Institute for Environmental Physics (IUP), International Research Training Group ArcTrain
"Process Studies on the Generation of Near-Inertial Internal Gravity Waves by Wind"

Certificate in Environmental Physics
Oct 2012 - Sep 2013
Bremen University, Institute for Environmental Physics (IUP), Postgraduate Program Environmental Physics (PEP)

B.Sc. in Physics
Oct 2009 - Sept 2012
Leipzig University, Faculty of Physics, International Physics Studies Program (IPSP), Thesis at Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Physics Department - Clouds
"Theoretical Investigations into the Optimization of an Optical Particle Spectrometer for the Detection of Ice at LACIS"

Let's talk about climate.

Mit Wissen ans Ziel.

Gravity waves in atmosphere and ocean

What are internal gravity waves?

Phasellus enim sapien, blandit ullamcorper elementum eu, condimentum eu elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia luctus elit eget interdum.

Internal Gravity Waves in the atmosphere

Phasellus enim sapien, blandit ullamcorper elementum eu, condimentum eu elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia luctus elit eget interdum.

Wave-wave interactions

Phasellus enim sapien, blandit ullamcorper elementum eu, condimentum eu elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia luctus elit eget interdum.

Instabilities of internal gravity waves

Phasellus enim sapien, blandit ullamcorper elementum eu, condimentum eu elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia luctus elit eget interdum.

Selected peer reviewed publications

Crucial Role of Obliquely Propagating Gravity Waves in Tropical Stratospheric Circulation.
Y-H Kim, GS Voelker, G Bölöni, G Zängl, U Achatz
preprint on arXiv, 2023

Instability cascade of strongly nonlinear gravity waves in a vertically sheared atmosphere
GS Voelker, M Schlutow
preprint on arXiv, 2023

Multi-Scale Dynamics of the Interaction Between Waves and Mean Flows: From Nonlinear WKB Theory to Gravity-Wave Parameterizations in Weather and Climate Models
U Achatz, Y-H Kim, GS Voelker
preprint on arXiv, 2023

MS-GWaM: A 3-dimensional transient gravity wave parametrization for atmospheric models
GS Voelker, G Bölöni, Y-H Kim, Günther Zängl, U Achatz
preprint on arXiv, 2023

An application of WKBJ theory for triad interactions of internal gravity waves in varying background flows
GS Voelker, TR Akylas, U Achatz
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 147 (735), 2021

On strongly nonlinear gravity waves in a vertically sheared atmosphere: Part I: Spectral stability of the refracted wave
M Schlutow, GS Voelker
Mathematics of Climate and Weather Forecasting 6 (1), 2021

Estimates of wind power and radiative near-inertial internal wave flux: The hybrid slab model and its application to the North Atlantic
GS Voelker, D Olbers, M Walter, C Mertens, PG Myers
Ocean dynamics 70, 2020

Generation of oceanic internal gravity waves by a cyclonic surface stress disturbance
GS Voelker, PG Myers, M Walter, BR Sutherland
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 86, 2019

Response of the internal wave field to remote wind forcing by tropical cyclones
J Köhler, GS Völker, M Walter
Journal of Physical Oceanography 48 (2), 2018

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